It is alsready 20 years that the president of the association
Richard Gidachyan has been working in the book-publishing sphere, from which
10 years he has been the chief of export-import department of "Haygirc" administration
of Press committee system. From 1983 hes been tahing part in Moscow international
Fairs of booh mainly as a director of Armenian Paulion. It has given him the
apportunity to get acguainted with the hits of firms abroad. Knouing well the
old and new book-publishers and publishing houses of RA he is able to inform
about coming out or already published literature in time. The association in
the person of president Richard Gidachyan is ready to help each personality,
individual employers, book shops, libraries, organizations, firms and associations
to acquire literature published in RA. He is ready and calls to every firm,
public organization, association, mockery, trading organizations, which will
have the wish to show advertise and distribute their counfrys literature in
Armenia. Those can apply the association. The association is ready to support
and dispose everything that is needed to pass the aremony in high lerel.